The Fox’s 1 Million Dollar Postcode Bingo

In 2025, we’ve got a MILLION reasons to keep it locked on The Fox!

It’s time to start living the really, REALLY good life because The Fox’s Million Dollar Postcode Bingo is here—giving Melbournians the chance to WIN $1,000,000 thanks to Carlisle Homes!

With Carlisle Homes, experience better floorplans, better inclusions, and better care. Visit one of Carlisle’s over 80 display homes across Melbourne today, to make 2025 the year of your new home.

Catch your first numbers with Fifi, Fev & Nick in the mornings, and stay tuned throughout the day for more postcode numbers and MORE chances to win!

If the postcode numbers match YOUR postcode (in any order), call 13 10 60 at the cue to call and secure your spot in the millionaires lounge, for the chance at ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

This is your chance to WIN BIG, right from where you live. Only on The Fox!

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